Saturday, May 24, 2014

(31) Working as a contract engineer (5/8).

    I finished at Mitsubishi in January, 1993. After a few weeks at home I received a 'phone call from Peter H., whom I met on a few occasions at meetings with suppliers for Mitsubishi; Peter used to turn up at these meetings representing some trucking company. On the 'phone I was told that he heard I was free from Mitsubishi, and would I be interested in a job as a design draftsman for KW truck where he was Chief Electrical Engineer. Having nothing else lined up I agreed. At the previous meetings I called him Professor, for everybody else was addressing him so. At KW, to my astonishment, I discovered that the nickname – as I took it to be – was true to form: on the nameplate above his desk was his full name, Prof. Dr. Eng. Peter H. Wow! I stopped calling him professor and restricted myself to the more common way of addressing him as Peter.
I started there as a draftsman in April, 1993. For work they had new computers whose brand name now escape me. Their system was somewhat different from those I used before and it took me a day or two to understand their tricks.
    The factory manufactured large trucks, mostly designed to pull trailers, one, two, up to four trailers, sometime even more. Size of these trucks can be guessed at by the size of their engines – diesels, with 8 to about 20 litres of displacement. At the time of my start Kenworth was doing away with the mechanically injected engines, and began to use engines with electronic fuel injections. That EFI system was even a bit more complicated than the one I was used to from my work on passenger vehicles previously.
    Alongside my work I could not help myself looking at these trucks from my electrical point of view. The first glance was rather surprising! I always start with the evaluation of alternator and battery sizes. A quick calculation of electrical current requirement at the common high-electrical-demand continuous operating conditions (engine working, air conditioning working, external lamps turned on, a couple of trailers behind, etc.) gave me a figure well in excess of 200 Amps. electrical current requirement. Alternators on these trucks were able to deliver between 60 and 160 Amps. electrical current maximum! A quiet inquiry with the Service Department revealed that the electrical components suffering from greatest number of failures are – alternators and batteries! Hardly surprising, for alternators fail when they are subjected to continuous demand above their rated capacity, with the battery failures following closely behind.
    Inquiring with Peter’s sidekick, a young electrical engineer N. C., confirmed to me what I suspected: that in a motor vehicle the main electrical power supplier is the battery, with the alternator serving as a battery charger only! It happens to be exactly the other way round, but I thanked him for the information, being but a general draftsman...
    As the time went by I discovered quite a number of dubious electrical things until I decided (for myself) that the electrical system in the company is in fairly incompetent hands and decided to seek contract somewhere else. As it happened, Toyota was looking for someone to assist their electrical engineer with the design of the electrical system for the car being prepared for production, and I accepted the job.
    KW people expressed disappointment: „Don’t you like it here? “. As a matter of fact I didn’t, and we parted ways amicably.
    At my new place the local electrical engineer Trevor J. quietly confided in me that he is not extremely keen on the electrical system, and could I concentrate on that while he would be doing the administrative side, that is parts list, releases, contact with the local Japanese engineers and such: nothing could be more pleasing to me than that!
I spent two periods of very pleasant time, working on two successive models of Camry:
                                      The white Toyota Camry was also marketed as GM Apollo.
    Trevor J. turned out to be a very pleasant friend and a colleague, and we managed to steer both models through all the phases of design, development and testing to a successful start of production. Very successful, except for one minor blemish: the first of the two models, the white one pictured above, had quite a few electrical problems at the start of the production. Very few – if any – were caused by our design. Majority were caused by faults in manufacture, mainly in the manufacture of wiring harnesses. In my judgment at the time, the parts, hundreds of different parts, were manufactured and tested individually by their manufacturers. The problems arose when parts from different factories were assembled together in a vehicle. We both humbly accepted the opprobrium heaped on us by the management (despite of the fact that only a tiny minority of electrical problems were our fault), and decided to invent some sort of testing of the electrical system prior to the start of production.
    With the second model our roles, Trevor’s and mine, were separated officially, and I was to a large extent on my own. Parallel with my main work I began to design some sort of electrical system testing.
    For testing I asked for a large table to be installed in the engineering department’s  storeroom. On the table I put as many standard car components as I was able: battery, engine bay electrical components, instrument panel, door locks and window motors, radios, headlamps and tail lamps, etc. All these components I connected together with wiring harnesses as they were being made available from pre-production runs. And then I started creating various situations...
    Electrically speaking, the car was not one, but several hundred of slightly different vehicles. For starters, the car came with two different engines, four- and a six-cylinder one; manual and automatic transmission; several different air conditioning systems; a number of electric windows options, door locks options and alarm system options; several different radio and speakers arrangements, to name but few. When I connected (on paper) all these different arrangements I ended up with several hundreds of tests. Despite having one colleague (radio engineer Bill W.) on hand to assist the task was beyond me. I asked for some assistance from the testing department, but was given (for some 5 weeks only) two university students, on leave from their 4th year of electrical engineering.
    Of the two, Carmen turned up to be like supercharged dragon at work: understood the task at the first glance, was ready to start interconnecting and testing almost immediately, and even, after a couple of weeks started coming up with improvements and most welcome simplifications – mind, I myself was still only wrestling with the job... Fernando (both of their parent were of Spanish origin) was a bit slower, but the three of us managed to „de-bug“ the electrical system so that the start of production happened without a hitch. Thank you, Carmen, thank you Fernando...
    I still had a few weeks of work at Toyota left on my desk when I received a surprising telephone call from Kevin D., Human Resources Manager at KW: „Charles, how much longer are you planning to stay at Toyota?“. I told him that it could be a month or two. „O. K., can you start as an electrical engineer here at KW, when you finish? “. After agreeing on the conditions and on the salary I promised to give him a ring.
    Three weeks later my desk at Toyota was clear, I reported back to Kevin, and a few days later on Monday, I reported to Gary H., the Chief Engineer at KW. He took me to the „Professor’s“ table, wished me good luck and went back to his glass office. Turning to Peter’s assistant, the electrical engineer N. C., I asked about Peter: „He left last Friday“, was the surprising answer. And what am I supposed to do, I asked? „The same as Peter, and I now have batteries and brakes“, answered N. C.
    And that was the start of my 5-years long carrier at KW...

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